06 July 2010

Round 2

I'm now in Waffensen, a small dorf of about 900 people outside of Hamburg.
I have 13 students between the ages of 11 and 14. Again, lots of middle school moments. There are 4 counselors working here, with a total of 47 kids. One counselor is running a circus camp, another a film camp and my friend Carmen and I are each running an Adventure Camp (camp without special effects)

Camp is going really well. It's exhausting being with middle schoolers from 9-5. I think the universemay be telling me that I have a future working with middle schoolers. Or maybe it just hates me. Either way, I am really enjoying working with the kids, despite the difficulties of pre-teendom.

I'll have to save some more stories for later, as I the computer I have to use is the size of a large microwave and incredibly slow.

But for now I'll leave with a short letter to Germany.

Dear Germany,

Stop with the potatoes. Seriously. They do not count as a vegetable. Try something with color.


P.S. Greasy, fried potato pancakes with apple sauce is NOT a nutritious meal.

P.P.S. Ice cubes are not dessert


  1. haha, ice cubes, so healthful!

  2. any consolation, I am also with pre-teendom 9-5 everyday! wooo! pros and cons!

    I like it though. But it is hella hot here right now (literally, probably.) and it just sucks the energy out of everything. thankfully today we didn't go outside much. oi!

