Camp on an island in Potsdam? Yes. What could be better, you ask. Well, we share the house with mentally handicapped people who are bussed in on a little white bus every morning. We have quite the mixture of people here on this island, really. It could be the setting for a horror movie, actually. Stuck on an island with German children and mentally retarded adults. Who will be the first to go? If I have any say in this it would be THE CHILDREN.
On another note entirely: Daniel, my fellow counselor, and I have become quite industrious. Here we are, on this island, not earning much money (at all) and not anywhere near a grocery store. Hungry and moneyless as we are, we have 3 options:
Option A: Starve/Only eat the hot lunch delivered everyday. Starchy bow tie pasta has its bounds...and they are not wide
Option B: Spend money on food. Also, not the best option.
Option C: The Children. (Yes, I mean eat the children). Let's go with C
Option C goes something like this:
"Hey, kids. Tomorrow we are going to have a Pajama Pancake Party! That means everyone needs to bring in ingredients for pancakes tomorrow. What do we need to make pancakes? Well, about a 100 eggs and lots of blueberries and bananas and then some other stuff."
Too many eggs, you say? You have never been stuck on an island as a Yo Yo Camp counselor.
Result: A delicious breakfast of American pancakes and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday's fair share of eggs and blueberries.
Friday is my birthday, so that requires a party. No party is complete without food.
Depending on the food supply, Thursday is also a good party day.
Friday, in addition to being my "birthday" is also my last day of work. Rest assured, Friday there will be a party.
Hey, I can't believe you are still half way across the world in that craziness. I'm glad you've found new ways to trick the children and that you got (most of) your bag back. I leave for Gordon on Friday (three days...) which should be the weirdest thing ever. Let me know when you hit Barnard so I can come to New York immediately. Miss you,