26 June 2010

Off and Away

Wireless internet lasted all of about 2 days. Now we have a long line to get on the computer. Anyway, this update will be quick:

Turns out I was given the dream job of working at a sleepaway horse back riding camp outside of Bremen for the first week. Leaving tomorrow at 9 am and opening the camp at 4 pm. Between now and then it's my job to figure out what we'll actually be doing. Should be interesting.

In other news, we have an additional counselor from Trinidad. I don't know how many exactly that makes us because people seem to be coming in and out all the time.

We spent the day in Berlin yesterday teaching English to grade school students who attended a German/Turkish school. I was privileged enough to be working with the 6th graders. Try to remember being 12. You are too cool for everything. Even English. Especially silly songs and Simon Says.

I'm beginning to remember how much I love Germany, though I haven't forgotten that Germans are still Germans however. I still get the death stare while taking a long walk in town wearing a t-shirt and running shorts. That kind of clothing is only meant for the "Sporthalle".

More German stories to come, and with horses and children! I have no idea what the internet situation will be: surprise, surprise. But I am ready to ride!

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